I have Kicad V8 running on Ubuntu 22.04, once the symbol and footprint have (I thought) been properly added to the libraries, KIcad can not find them. So, what is the proper way to add items to the libraries?
Added 5 days, 22 hours ago.
Hi jfioroni,
You can follow our guide here. https://www.snapeda.com/about/import/#:~:text=to%20open%20it.-,KiCad%20(V6%20and%20later),-Import%20Steps%20for
Additionally to this always remember to:
-Not move the files after adding them to KiCAD
-Remember the folder name as the part will be identified with it
-Unzip the downloaded zip file
Best regards,
Answered 5 days, 20 hours ago.